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Team member blowing leaves from a customer's property.

Leaf Removal Services in the Murray, Mayfield, & Benton, KY Areas.

Using a combination of power blowers and vacuum truck, we clear the leaves from your yard, providing your lawn with a more pleasing aesthetic and the ability to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

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Optimize the health of your landscape plants and grass with our leaf removal service for properties in Murray, Mayfield, Benton, and the surrounding areas in KY.

By removing leaves from your lawn, light from the sun will be allowed to reach your plants and grass, giving it a chance to grow to its fullest potential.

This new customer's property in Murray is heavily leaf littered.

Your time is your most valuable resource. Don't spend your weekend free time during the fall raking leaves! Save the hard work for our experienced team members with professional gear and techniques so you can get out and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. 

At Phillips Bros Lawn Care, experience has taught us the most efficient ways to keep your lawn free of leaves to optimize the health of your landscape plants and grass in Murray, Mayfield, Benton, and the surrounding areas. Clearing your lawn allows the sunlight to reach your plants and grass to provide the energy they need to grow to its fullest. 

Commonly Found Trees in Our Area That Are Major Sources of Leaf Litter

Did you know that a mature oak tree can shed from 200,000 to half a million leaves each season? In our part of Kentucky, we have plenty of gorgeous trees. Each tree needs to shed to prepare for fresh, healthy growth. Unfortunately, that causes piles of debris and leaves to accumulate.

Bradford Pears and Red Maples are just a couple of the trees commonly found in our part of Kentucky. These trees are major sources of leaf litter as they lose leaves, which come down to suffocate your ornamental bushes, shrubs, flowers, and grass. We’re here to help keep the problem at bay! 

Consequences of Leaves Piling up on Your Lawn

Once leaves pile up, they can choke out your plant life. Leaving them piled up across your yard prevents nutrients from being properly absorbed by their root systems. Removing leaves also benefits grass and plants by allowing the absorption of light, air, and water.

Once roots become unhealthy, grass and plants can become discolored and die. Without enough exposure to air and light, the blades of the grass cannot complete photosynthesis. As a consequence, you may be forced to start from scratch with new grass seed or sod. Bring in our professionals to prevent leaves from damaging and taking over your property! We typically service yards starting in late October through December.

Without proper ventilation, the soil beneath your grass and plants can retain too much moisture, causing root rot. 

How We Clear Leaves from Your Yard

We are removing leaves with our vacuum truck for a customer in Mayfield.

As part of our leaf removal service, our team will use power blowers to clear yards and landscape beds of leaves. The dead leaves are then cleared from your yard and sucked into our vacuum truck. This method prevents the pileup of leaf bags on your curbside and provides an immediately visible result.

Another option is to chop up and mulch leaves with a mower. Some leaf debris will eventually decompose and provide additional nutrients to your lawn. We will also provide curbside service for leaf bags rather than using our vacuum truck. However, this is not a commonly requested service for us, as the communities in our area already collect them. 

Call us for a quote on leaf removal services that will benefit the health and appearance of your property.

Keeping your yard clear with our leaf removal services is not just for looks; it’s for the health and longevity of your property. Call today at (270) 492-8144 to set up services and receive a quote. We service Murray, Mayfield, Benton, and the surrounding areas in KY.

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Contact Info For Phillips Bros Lawn Care, (270) 492-8144